
Caution: Beware of Fraudulent Email Messages

Tokyo, Japan - December 28, 2017

It has been brought to our attention that fraudulent email messages are being sent that claim to be from executives of 亚盈新体育网页版登录.

Many of these messages have been sent from domain names like @gmail.com and @asia.com, and the contact information that is given does not correspond to any known Yokogawa address or telephone number. Be assured that none of these emails is from Yokogawa; the sender of these messages has no relationship with our firm.

These email messages are not to be taken lightly. Anyone who carelessly responds to such a message runs the risk of falling prey to this party's deceptions, and could also end up having his or her computer infected with a virus.

If you suspect that you have received such an email message, please take care not to open it or send a response, and be sure to delete it from your computer.

Sample fraudulent email message 1

From: Takashi Nishijima [mailto:takashinishijima@asia.com]
Subject: Legal Rep

Would like to retain you to help us in the process to review proposedtransactions for acquisitions or purchase of businesses and creation of contracts for acquisition (merger), if you are interested Please advice us on your initial retainer fee and agreement and we shall forward you the company information and letter of intent.

Yours Sincerely,
Takashi Nishijima, President
亚盈新体育网页版登录, Inc
x-x-x xxx, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan
(xx)xxxx-xxxx xxx xxx xxxx
Email: takashinishijima@asia.com

Sample fraudulent email message 2

From: Chiaki Itoh [mailto:cyokogawaelectric@gmail.com]
Subject: Legal Assistance Needed!

Good Day

We have Intellectual Property agreement matter in your jurisdiction. Please advise us on your standard retainer fee so that we can forward you the agreement for your review and run a conflict check.
Please kindly direct your reply to my personal email below for more information regarding this matter .If you don稚 practice this area a referral will be appreciated.

Thank you for your understandings

Yours Sincerely,
Chiaki Itoh, Vice President Marketing Headquarters
Head Office,
x-x Nakacho 2-chome,musashino-shi Tokyo 180-8754, Japan.
TEL: +xx-x-xxxxxxxx
Email: chiakiitoh@yokogawecjc.com

Sample fraudulent email message 3

From: shuzo.kaihori@hanjiabeauty.com [mailto:ceo@ireply-iphone.com]
Subject: Note

Dear Xxxx,

Have you been contacted by Mr xxx xxxx from xxx xxxx law firm* about a confidential matter concerning a foreign acquisition in which we are currently engaged?

Kind Regards,

Shuzo Kaihori

*The actual names of an executive and a law firm

If you have any question about such emails, please forward it to us.

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